Our mission is to conduct applied research on reunification to ensure it is no longer considered the “disaster after the disaster.”
Our training provides schools, first responders, and other school safety partners research-backed and real-world tested best practices.
Supporting schools is the backbone of what we do. When possible, we offer funding for schools who need the assistance

What is Reunification?
Sometimes, things happen at or near a school that requires an increase in the accountability and safety of students.
It is during these situations that reunification comes into play
Getting Students Back Where They Belong
We define reunification as “the process of getting students back where they belong when it is no longer safe to remain on school grounds.”
When school officials need to increase safety protocols and heighten accountability reunification is the tool they use.
The Disaster After The Disaster
Reunification has an unfortunate nickname as it has frustrated schools for decades – “The Disaster After The Disaster.”
Even though reunification is a common thread in many, if not all, school safety concerns, it remains one of the least researched, funded, and planned processes within school emergency preparedness.
By blending research data with real-world experience, we are collaboratively working to advance school reunification, increase awareness, inform policy, and strengthen training.
Making An Impact
Our training sessions, reunification kits, and other supplies have supported schools all across the world.
23 States
We have become the go-to supplier of reunification materals for schools across the United States
3 Countries
Through our work with the Department of Defense we have supported schools worldwide
We are the world’s largest supplier of reunification cards. Printing over a quarter million since 2023
Our Difference
We are the only organization in the world conducting applied research on all aspects of school reunification.
We have led over 100 school reunification events: training sessions, functional and tabletop exercises, conference presentations, and webinars.
Through a study of programs, policies, and methods, we have developed a deep understanding of what schools need when it comes to reunification support.
Reunification Kits
Our very first initiative was to develop a simplified and improved reunification kit.
After hearing from schools that existing materials were too complex and overwhelming, we set out to develop a simple, streamlined version.
Based on feedback from real-world use, our kits employ innovations such as our color-coding system and supervisor grab-and-go folders.
While our materials align with current best practices, they are generic enough for schools to use regardless of their reunification methods.