About Us
The Reunification Foundation is a national nonprofit organization started with the goal of improving one of the least researched and least funded disaster preparedness programs in the world: School Reunification, often referred to as “The Disaster After the Disaster.”
The Problem
Every year, millions of dollars are poured into school safety initiatives, yet little goes to reunification research and solutions.
The Solution
To improve school reunification we partner with the best of the best. Our advisory board is a diverse group dedicated to the service of others.

Our Mission
Our mission is to conduct applied research on reunification to ensure it is no longer considered the “disaster after the disaster.” By blending research data with real-world experience, we are collaboratively working to advance school reunification, increase awareness, inform policy, and strengthen training.
What sets us apart
We are the only organization in the world conducting applied research on all aspects of school reunification and using that data to further our development of reunification supplies and training programs.
We have led over 100 school reunification events: training sessions, functional and tabletop exercises, conference presentations, and webinars.
Through a study of programs, policies, and methods, we have developed a deep understanding of what schools need when it comes to reunification support.
We have partnered with local, state, and federal agencies to provide our services across the entire spectrum of education and are regularly sought out for our advice and input.